Publicity and Publications Portfolio

As the director and assistant directors of the Publications and Publicity (PnP) portfolio, their main responsibility is to raise awareness to all CEE Club-related activities via digital media content creations.

With the help of their subcommittee, PnP is able to do so much more! As a portfolio who wears many hats, they are also junior journalists for the publication of ‘LET’S CEE’ Magazine and the hosts of the annual CEE T-shirt design competition. To bring joy and entertainment to our students, we reach out to professors and students to be a part of our Project Spotlight series. Keep a look out for them!

Eunice Zhou

Eunice is the PnP Director of the 31st CEE Club Main Committee. She enjoys expressing her creativity and aesthetics through digital media creation. She is also musically involved in NTU’s Symphony Orchestra where she plays the violin.

Editor’s Note: If you happened to hear dulcet tones of a violin in school, it might be our talented director playing!

Shruthi Thiyagarajan

Shruthi is the Assistant PnP Director of the 31st CEE Club Main Committee. During her free time, she likes to express her creativity through the art of stitching. 

Editor’s note: If you discover a hole in your 5-year-old t-shirt, you know who to find. :)

Mariel Cenina

Mariel is the Assistant PnP Director of 31st CEE Club Main Committee. She is highly intrigued by true crime novels be it fiction or non-fiction. She enjoys the spine-tingling sensation from understanding how these criminals’ minds work!

Editor’s note: Ooo if you have any spooky stories to share, Mariel will be all ears!